Who we are

MakangaidzeGD is a charity organisation currently registered in Zimbabwe and in Australia.Makangaidze GD was formed in 1998 by the late Gideon Dhliwayo together with his wives Petunia and Gladys Dhliwayo.

Wanting to give back, develop and bring the Zamchiya/Chipinge community together, Gideon and his wives started an annual sports tournament in the area of Zamchiya in Chipinge where Gideon grew upbefore leaving for greener pastures in the city.
Despite moving to and living in the city Gideon remained firmly rooted and connected with his homeland of Zamchiya Chipinge as he was always passionate about the culture, its preservation and progression of the people.

 Gideon’s father Moses Dhliwayo was in his youthful days known by the nickname Makangaidze due to his sporting prowess, which destabilised a lot of the opposing teams he used to play against hence the name Makangaidze meaning to destabilise, ruin or inhibit.
It was therefore befitting for Gideon to name the sporting tournament Makangaidze in honour of his father Moses (Makangaidze) Dhliwayo.
 Gideon’s heart for people did not allow for the sporting tournament to just be that. 

His vision was to see the community develop whilst also catering for the disadvantaged with plans to help set up orphanages and developmental projects to enhance their lives.
Sadly Gideon did not live to see this materialise, succumbing to cancer in April 2013.

 However his wives and children have ensured the Gideon Dhliwayo and Makangaidze legacies live on through continuation of the annual sporting tournament, formal registration of the charity in Zimbabwe and Australia and endeavouring to progress with the building of orphanages, engaging in developmental projects and charity programmes in Zamchiya Chipinge.. 

Our Vision

MakangaidzeGD strives to ensure that every child in Zamchiya has a family (where they are loved, nurtured and supported to grow and become the best version of themselves) and never goes to bed hungry or without shelter and other basic needs. We also envision the people of Zamchiya thriving in all areas of life including health and wellbeing, meaningful and purposeful activities.. 

Our Mission

Makangaidze GD’s mission is to enhance the lives of orphans and Zamchiya residents by providing basic necessities and promoting independence through education and skills programs. In the impoverished Zamchiya Chipinge community, the annual sports tournament serves as a platform to raise awareness and engage support. The organization envisions a brighter future by collaborating with local businesses and the international community to build orphanages, provide essential resources, and create opportunities for education, skills development, and employment..

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